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“Stories hidden in secret stairwells” are strange tales that people only read when they want to be reminded of other times. Here are some of the stories found in the books on the stairwell's dusty bookshelves: 

Love Song of the Waterfall–a waterfall’s love for a Maori maiden; The Painting–the truth behind a masterpiece; Molly–a Christmas Eve miracle for a child of the streets; The Star Baby–a star baby’s search for a celestial rainbow; The Emissary–a stranger with a disturbing message; The Rose–a poem of reflection.

Like the two stories reviewed from Tales from the Secret Stairwell, McGee’s short stories are thought provoking and will keep readers thinking long after reading the last tale.” - Michael Thal, Amazon Viewer
The author is a master of language. Her descriptions carry you effortlessly into her world. They create unexpected twists and turns. Read The Painting.You are caught in the flow of the story, and then suddenly it goes down an unexpected path.” - Amazon Reviewer